10 Feb Convergence Workshop
At the beginning of 2020, over 30 members from the MICADO consortium met in Hamburg to tackle one of the main project challenges: How to boil down the results from one year of research into a handful of ideas for technical development? Over the course of two days, members from the scientific institutions, developers and partners from public administrations in Antwerp, Bologna, Hamburg, Madrid and Vienna sat together and worked on this central question in order to move into the next working phase.
The MICADO project was set out to develop a digital platform facilitating arrival procedures for migrants, and support public administrations managing migrant integration.
The needs of these stakeholder groups were assessed during a thorough research by the four piloting cities in Antwerp, Bologna, Hamburg and Madrid. In numerous interviews and co-creation workshops, central needs were identified and collected into an extensive list of demands. These ranged from more specific demands like a “map that sorts doctors by languages they speak” to more general demands such as “more information on the educational system” or “how to get a health insurance card”.
However, not all of these demands can easily be addressed by the MICADO application. The consortium had to identify which ones of the demands presented shared needs, had high criticality, and for which the needed data was available. Applying these criteria as filters, the researchers and developers were able to agree on a set of around 20 central needs that will now be worked on by the developers. It is most likely that first results can be presented to the consortium in July in the first pilot for the general MICADO solution.